What an amazing weekend it has been.
This morning I awoke to the familiar Paulette workout feeling, muscles that haven’t been worked for a while. The feeling that tells me I am alive and a dancer who has worked hard! I tried to go back to sleep, but was still buzzing from yesterday so decided to write instead.
Yesterdays workshops were a blast. We started with the “funky moves” and it was great to work on some favourites and refine the technique, then try and fit some new ones into muscle memory. For the beyond beginner girls in Kuranda, you will be pleased to know I have taken notes and we will have a go with them in class over the next few weeks. We then moved onto “the art of improvisation”. A fantastic workshop that really put me outside my comfort zone, to move beyond the steps and really find the “present moment in dance” in such an intense way. Fabulous!
Then the icing on the cake was last nights hafla at Tribal Zest’s studio in Cairns. It was fantastic to share this space with so many women who have dotted my journey and added so much to what we call Tribal Dance in our region. Magnolia and I performed as Kuranda Dance for the first time. It was awesome to share what we have been building in Kuranda and is certainly the start of a lot more promotion this year.
Magnolia and Lisa from Kuranda Dance
Today it felt lovely to ooze into “slow moves” and build on our partner work from yesterday with some partner changing transitions and important technique details. Lastly, we finished with Tribal grooves and learnt some hot and funky new moves, some of which I am sure will become my new favourites. We closed with a full circle open chorus, such an amazing effort with twenty dancers and an awesome “stay on the moment and love it” feeling. The closing moving meditation was really something amazing to experience. Thanks to all the dancers from all over Australia and especially thank you Paulette.
Cairns workshop participants